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Miscellaneous info

Jiangsu uses the European electricity standard: 220V, 50Hz.

Emergency service
In Jiangsu, ambulances do not carry sophisticated medical equipment, and ambulance personnel generally have little or no medical training. Therefore, injured or seriously ill patients should take taxis or other immediately available vehicles to the nearest major hospital rather than waiting for ambulances to arrive.

Over years, some international medical and health care providers have opened their branches in China under WTO commitments, though these services are usually more expensive than hospitals and clinics operated by local governments, including Australia-based company, GlobalDoctor Ltd, Singapore-based international emergency provider AEA (Asia Emergency Assistance).

See the category “Health” for details.

Health and Hospitals
Duo to differences in language and social habits, it is recommended that international travelers go to those hospitals especially for foreigners, which may probably provide more satisfactory services than those available for locals.

These hospitals are available in most major Chinese cities that have so-called VIP wards (Gao Gan Bing Fang). These VIP wards are originally facilities where high standard medical care is provided to high ranking government officers. This practical medical service offers time benefits and advantages in access to modern medical technology and skilled medical staff.

In order to match international medical care standards for international travelers and expatriates, Chinese local governments have opened these facilities to foreigners plus English-speaking doctors and nurses. Most of these VIP wards may even accept credit cards for payment as well..

See the category “Health” for details.

Smoking by-laws
In China there are about 60% of men who smoke, in women the figure is 7%. In Jiangsu, there is no actual meaningful by-laws for the ban of cigarette smoking.

Telephone area codes used in Jiangsu Province
To make phone call, you can always use the hotel telephone. But be aware that the charge could be as expensive as $3-5 USD per minute. On the Yangtze cruise ships, it could be $20 USD per minute as they use satellite telephone.

Tele area codes:
City Code
Nanjing 25-
Wuxi 510-
Zhenjiang 511-
Suzhou 512-
Nantong 513-
Yangzhou 514-
Yancheng 515-
Xuzhou 516-
Huai'an 517-
Lianyungang 518-
Changzhou 519-
Taizhou 523-
Suqian 527-

Time zone
Jiangsu operates to a single Standard Time (GMT+8) all year round, which is used by whole China.

Although officially prohibited, tipping is now widely accepted by tour guides, restaurants, hotel staff, tour bus or taxi drivers. Ask your traveling agent or friends to obtain valuable info.

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