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Jiangsu's Facts

Administration Type: Province

Capital: Nanjing City

Topography: Located in Yangtze River Delta, most of its land is flat, two of five largest freshwater lakes in China, hilly southwestern and northern borders.

Land Size: 102,600 km2

Population: 74,330,000 (2004)

Population Density: 724/km2

Ethnicity: 99.6% of its population is Han ethnical group, 0.2% is Hui ethnical group, 0.2% is others 54 minority ethnic groups.

Prefecture-level: 13 divisions (13 cities: Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Nantong, Huia'an, Suqian, Yancheng, Xuzhou, Lianyungang)

County-level: 106 divisions (counties or cities)

Township-level: 1488 divisions (towns or townships)

Climate: Subtropics to warm temperate zone, with humid monsoon climate. Average temperature 13 - 16°C

Annual Precipitation: 724 - 1,120 mm.

Agriculture Produces: Principal crops are rice and wheat, plus barley, maize, soybean and potatoes, the major cash crops are cotton, rape seeds, sesame and tobacco as well as vegetables, gourds, fruits.

Industry: Four pillar industries including achinery, electronic, chemicals and automobile.

GDP: 1.5 trillion of RMB, ranked at the second in all provinces in China

Per Capita of GDP: 20,700 RMB per capita

Education: 105 higher leaning institutions (universities and college), student enrolment 741,00 in 2004.

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